
Showing posts from February, 2018

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What would you choose as your WiFi networking standard in 2024 - 6E or 7?

Ah, the age-old battle of "which Wi-Fi to choose?" Like picking the perfect song for a road trip, it's all about finding the rhythm that matches your needs. While Wi-Fi 6 is like that trusty classic rocking out on the radio, Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 are the fresh beats pumping through your headphones, ready to blow your mind.


Welcome to the original shopping store from S K Ditta . Thanks for stopping by. Touching these images will take you to the WooCommerce Store page of the main WordPress site. Enjoy! Please find in addition to this store, the storefront on the  main site .  It links also to the newly launched storefront  that takes you directly to the Amazon website. Thanks for visiting!  Happy shopping Y'all. ⌣