The market for computers has been dominated by laptops for quite a few years. If you walked into a store, the staff would promptly have directed you toward all the new laptops in the market. Companies such as HP, Dell, Acer, and Lenovo focused their entire business to prioritize laptops. It's difficult to say whether it was the manufacturers' focus on this segment or was it consumer demand that led to this phenomenon. What can be said with certainty is that for many years, perhaps, more than a decade, the laptop was seen as the ideal fusion of compactness, functionality, power, convenience, and even aesthetics. Of course, they were an ideal package made possible with improvements in processor, hard disk, and motherboard technologies. Today also, most people would look for a laptop. Laptops of today are terribly powerful, fast, sleek, and have utilized heat management technology for optimum performance. Most young people, especially, would s